The Magical T-Shirt
Have you ever wondered what happens to the discarded clothing you put into a
charity bag? Well, it is shipped overseas and eventually sold in local markets in
third world countries. And that’s how a polo shirt from Lumley Infant & Nursery
School in County Durham ended up for sale in a village market in Eastern
The polo shirt was bought by a local woman for her son to wear. A priest,
Father Deo, noticed the boy wearing the shirt and was intrigued that the logo
on the garment was similar to the logo of the local school.
Father Deo travelled forty miles to access the internet and research Lumley
Infant & Nursery School and decided to send an email.
The Headteacher at Lumley, Mrs Tracey Wilson almost deleted the email, but
decided to open it - and so started a friendship that has spanned continents,
provided a young boy with a good education and has started the process of
creating an educational environment for all the children in the area.
Julius - is the boy with the t-shirt and this amazing story keeps growing the
bond of freindship between Lumley Infant & Nursery School and Pallisa.
What is ‘Willing Hands?’
The first contact from Father Deo in Uganda
was in 2014, since then much as happened
In addition to reularly corresponding by email,
we have ‘Skyped’ allowing the children in both
countries to see and talk to each other.
For our friends in Eastern Uganda to Skype,
they must travel around 40 miles (this can take
2 to 3 hours) and hire a room in a hotel with
internet access.
Lumley Infant and Nursery School has raised
money for Uganda and began helping Father
Deo and his team by sending parcels of
teaching resources - the shipping cost was very
high and unfortunately these did not always
arrive. So, sending moneygrams was the
solution, with all expenditure being accounted
In 2019, some of the staff at Lumley and an
independent supporter took over a regsitered
charity, called Willing Hands, which was about
to fold.